Citlaly Luisa Karina Gómez Villegas

Citlaly is an alumni of the English Language Programs at the United States Embassy in Guatemala, Access, and SEAL. She has received the certificates of English Teacher Assistant (TAC), and International English Teacher (BP TESOL). She graduated as a High School Teacher in Pedagogy and Psychology at Rafael Landivar University. She excelled academically and received honors. She is known for her leadership, integrity, loyalty, kindness, dedication, and strong values. Citlaly was the president of AJEDE (Asociación de Jóvenes Ex becarios del Departamento de Estado en Huehuetenango) and is an active member. She has worked in various English Language Programs including BEAR, EAGLES, and SEAL. Currently, she works as the Head Teacher of the Access Program and the Academic Coordinator of the EAGLES Program.